Our Fort Apache office is less than a mile from Southern Hills Hospital and Ikea!

Bunions Can Interfere With Daily Activities

A bunion, characterized by a bony protrusion at the base of the big toe, can significantly impact everyday activities, introducing challenges and discomfort into routine tasks. Walking, a fundamental activity, becomes hindered as the misalignment of the big toe...
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What to Expect From Hammertoe Surgery

Hammertoe surgery is a procedure designed to address the deformities associated with hammertoe, a condition in which one or more toe joints become bent. Before the surgery, your podiatrist will conduct a thorough evaluation, including a physical examination, and...
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Vital Insights About Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains, though common, are often underestimated in their impact on our daily lives. Understanding these injuries is pivotal for everyone, from athletes to the average person navigating routine activities. Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments supporting the ankle...
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Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don’t let bunions interfere with your daily activities.
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The Seriousness of Cracked Heels

Cracked heels, medically known as heel fissures, are more than just a cosmetic issue, they can be quite serious. These splits in the skin surrounding the heel can become deep and cause pain, especially while standing or walking. For...
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Definition and Affected Population of Sever’s Disease

Sever’s disease, a common but often misunderstood condition, is not truly a disease, but rather a growth-related heel pain that affects active children and adolescents. This condition, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, occurs when the growth plate at the...
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Exploring the Various Types of Ankle Fractures

When it comes to ankle injuries, fractures are a common concern. Broken ankles can encompass several types of fractures, each with distinct characteristics and implications. One of the most frequent fractures is the lateral malleolus fracture, which occurs on...
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Preventing Falls Is A Vital Concern for Every Age

Falls can happen to anyone, regardless of age, and their consequences can be severe. Preventing falls is a critical consideration that extends beyond the elderly. Many factors contribute to falls, including environmental hazards, impaired vision, muscle weakness, and balance...
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Preventing Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain, often due to plantar fasciitis, results from chronic overuse of the plantar fascia, a thick tissue on the foot’s sole that connects the heel bone to the toes and forms the arch. The most common symptom is...
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Are You Suffering From Ingrown Toenails?

If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to more serious concerns, such as an infection. Knowing proper nail care can help in the prevention of an ingrown toenail. Give us a call, and get treated!
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