Our Fort Apache office is less than a mile from Southern Hills Hospital and Ikea!

Possible Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

There is a portion of tissue that is located on the bottom of the foot that is known as the plantar fascia. It connects the heel to the toes, and a healthy plantar fascia is crucial in performing daily...
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Where Do Plantar Warts Develop?

A growth on the sole of the foot may indicate a plantar wart. A plantar wart is described as a small, thick patch of skin that grows into the bottom of the foot. This happens as a result of...
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Where Do Plantar Warts Develop?

A growth on the sole of the foot may indicate a plantar wart. A plantar wart is described as a small, thick patch of skin that grows into the bottom of the foot. This happens as a result of...
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Plantar Warts Can Be Treated!

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!
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Plantar Warts Can Be Treated!

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They’re typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don’t live with plantar warts, and call us today!
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Where Is the Achilles Tendon Located?

The medical term for the Achilles tendon is the calcaneal tendon. It is located in the back of the leg, and connects the calf muscles to the heel. It is considered to be one of the longest tendons in...
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Where Is the Achilles Tendon Located?

The medical term for the Achilles tendon is the calcaneal tendon. It is located in the back of the leg, and connects the calf muscles to the heel. It is considered to be one of the longest tendons in...
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Can Ingrown Toenails Be Prevented in Children?

Ingrown Toenails in Childhood Research has shown the importance of practicing proper foot care beginning in the childhood years. The feet are considered to be the foundation of the body, and strong, healthy feet are important to have and...
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Can Ingrown Toenails Be Prevented in Children?

Research has shown the importance of practicing proper foot care beginning in the childhood years. The feet are considered to be the foundation of the body, and strong, healthy feet are important to have and maintain as the aging...
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Arthritis Can Cause Pain in the Feet and Ankles

If you are suffering from tenderness, pain, or stiffness in the joints of your feet or ankles, call us to schedule an appointment.
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