Our Fort Apache office is less than a mile from Southern Hills Hospital and Ikea!

Managing Your Flat Feet

Flat feet, or fallen arches, occur when the arches of the feet collapse, causing the entire sole to touch the ground. While some individuals have flat feet from childhood, others may develop them later in life. A primary cause...
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Heel Pain in the Morning?

Heel pain can negatively affect your day-to-day life. Simple activities like walking can become incredibly uncomfortable or painful due to heel pain. Don’t live with heel pain and get treated.
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Managing an Ingrown Toenail

Onychocryptosis, commonly known as an ingrown toenail, occurs when the edge of a toenail grows into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, swelling, and sometimes infection. This condition often affects the big toe and can result from improper nail...
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Causes of Foot and Ankle Injuries in Dancers

Dancers are prone to foot and ankle injuries due to the physical demands of their art. Risk factors can include inadequate warm-up, improper technique, and wearing unsuitable footwear. Overuse injuries, such as tendinitis and stress fractures, result from repetitive...
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What to Do About Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, often affecting the feet, particularly the big toe. It leads to sudden, severe pain, in addition to redness and swelling. Gout predominantly...
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Exploring the Causes of Foot and Ankle Pain

Foot and ankle pain can stem from a variety of sources, each with its unique challenges. Bruises often result from direct trauma, causing discoloration and tenderness. Puncture wounds, which may occur from stepping on sharp objects, can lead to...
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Let the Expert Treat Your Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be painful and can make wearing shoes or walking uncomfortable. Seek professional help if you believe you’ve developed an ingrown toenail and be treated safely. 
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Treatment for Broken Ankles

Broken ankles, or ankle fractures, occur when one or more bones in the ankle joint break due to trauma. This injury can result from falls, sports activities, car accidents, or any situation where the ankle twists or experiences a...
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Proper Footwear in the Construction Industry

In the construction industry, wearing the right shoes is not just a matter of comfort. It is an important safety consideration that can make a significant difference in preventing injuries and ensuring productivity. Construction workers are exposed to various...
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Symptoms of Osteoarthritis in the Foot

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease caused when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones wears down over time. Osteoarthritis often impacts the feet and may target any of their 30 joints. However, it most commonly...
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