Our Fort Apache office is less than a mile from Southern Hills Hospital and Ikea!

Stop Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Their Tracks!

Preventing Foot Ulcers Can Lead To
Less Lower Extremity Amputations

At Foot and Ankle Specialists of Nevada, we have began using LEAP Vitals, a game-changer in foot health and lower extremity amputation prevention. With cutting-edge solutions, it’s revolutionizing how our office approaches foot care and helping people maintain mobility and independence like never before.

Experience the future of foot health today!

leap center

Request A Lower Extremity Evaluation

    If You Are Diabetic, Proper Foot Care Is Especially Important

    leap center
    heel pain center
    Dr. Anthony Ricciardi Jr.

    Introducing The Diabetic Foot Health Expert

    Dr. Anthony Ricciardi Jr., is the most trusted foot health specialist in Nevada. Our doctor has a strong personal interest in the treatment of lower extremity amputation prevention because it is one of the most dangerous negative side effects of untreated diabetis. A lower extremity evaluation could save your leg as well as your life. Contact our office today.


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